Saturday, October 4, 2008

Australian Lingo!

Some things you need to know before going to Australia. Learn this before going over and you'll be right! No worries mate! ...

Aussie (pron. Ozzie) :
Avos :
Barbie : barbecue (noun)
Bastard : term of endearment
Beaut, beauty : great, fantastic
Bloke : man, guy
Bloody : very (bloody hard yakka)
Bloody oath! : that's certainly true
Bludger : lazy person, layabout, somebody who always relies on other people to do things or lend him things
Brekkie : breakfast
Chuck a sickie : take the day off sick from work when you're perfectly healthy
Dag : a funny person, nerd, goof
Dickhead : see "whacker"
Dipstick : a loser, idiot
Dob (somebody) in : inform on somebody. Hence dobber, a tell-tale
Dunny : outside lavatory
Earbashing : nagging, non-stop chatter
Fair dinkum : true, genuine
G'Day : hello!
Gobsmacked : surprised, astounded
Jackaroo : a male trainee station manager or station hand (a station is a big farm/grazing property)
Jillaroo : a female trainee station manager or station hand
Kindie : kindergarten
Knock : to criticise
Mate : buddy, friend
No worries! : Expression of forgiveness or reassurance (No problem; forget about it; I can do it; Yes, I'll do it)
Pig's arse! : I don't agree with you
Piss : beer. Hence "hit the piss", "sink some piss"
Rack off : push off! get lost! get out of here! also "rack off hairy legs!".
Reckon! : you bet! Absolutely!
Ripper : great, fantastic - "it was a ripper party"
Roo bar : stout bar fixed to the front of a vehicle to protect it against hitting kangaroos (also bull bar)
She'll be right : it'll turn out okay
Spewin' : very angry
Wuss : coward; nervous person or animal
Yewy : u-turn in traffic ("chuck a yewy at the next traffic lights")

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